Zehen Kashmir

An Educational and Awareness Campaign To Break The Stigma On The Emotional And Mental Well-Being Of Kashmiris.

  • “Anything that is human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” -Fred Rogers

  • Healing the Healer

    Soon to come!

  • We are always looking for dynamic volunteers to coordinate, recruit fundraising teams, and leverage community support. If you are interested, click the button below.

Zehen Kashmir is an educational and awareness initiative launched by Dr. Najmun Riyaz, MD via the power of social media, in Kashmir, India. Dr. Najmun is a Kashmiri-born and raised board-certified Adult Psychiatrist who got her training at Saint Elizabeth medical center in Boston MA, and the University of Toledo in Ohio, USA in the field of Psychiatry. Through Zehen Kashmir, her mission is to raise awareness of various mental and emotional health-related conditions and teach people skills of how to handle stress, improve their self-esteem, identify various causes of psychologic trauma, and how seeking counseling through local Therapist is essential for healing, and finding support. She encourages people to take preventative measures, in early recognition of various mental illnesses, and seek proper treatment at a proper time, through local mental health agencies and providers.

Zehen Kashmir is a part of Dr. Najmun’s Practice called Zehen Global LLC, which she founded after she quit her Hospital job post-Pandemic. It is a virtual practice that caters to the needs of working women, in the State of New Jersey. But a huge part of her practice is the education and awareness that she provides not only in her motherland, Kashmir, in her mother tongue to connect with the main masses, but through her English channels and other social media accounts, blogs, and through various local and international community events.

Dr. Najmun is on a mission to make people aware of the fact that how our mind is a vital part of our body and not some supernatural power that it can never go through challenges. Like every part of our body, our mind too will need help from time to time.

Her goal is to encourage people to make their mental health a priority, and she dreams of times when we can come together, and talk about our emotions or an emotional challenge with the same ease that we talk about our physical or academic challenges.

Dr. Najmun is also an ICD-certified empowerment Coach and coaches women in healthcare especially physicians, and she also provides public speaking services for companies, groups, and individuals on topics related to emotional well-being, stress management, work-life balance and emotional intelligence.

Visit her website at www.drnajmunriyaz.com to know more about her and her work.

This is a free meditation exercise that if done on a daily basis can help one to regulate their nervous system, cause relaxation, and relief from day-to-day stress/anxiety. Please do this exercise only when you are in a safe spot, inside your home, or in the open. You can do it right after your prayer or before going to bed. Do it at least twice a day every day to get the best benefit.

Please seek help from your local Mental health providers if you are experiencing any severe emotional or mental health sysmtoms. This exercise is not a replacement for Therapy or Psychiatric care.


  • "Great service from a great doctor"

  • "Good going sister. Never stop making videos. You're needed."

  • "I feel grateful to have been following this knowledgeable page. Knowledge is indeed enlightenment."

  • "I am very thankful for this informative content"